In this week's episode of Now, About That... w/ James & Sarah, we discuss feminism and dive into Sarah's opinion of the topic. We also look into some well-known feminist authors and activists and discuss some of the influential female directors based on a list from the University of North Carolina School of the arts The list, written by Ilana Coleman includes 13 female directors from all over the world and reference to their body of work including some of the movies directed by these women that really resonates with Coleman. For more information and to take a look at the list, follow this link to the article titled "13 inspiring female film directors you need to know about".
"Portrait of a Lady on Fire" director Céline Sciamma included in the School of Filmmaking faculty Ilana Coleman's list of 13 female film directors you need to know about.
Image of Kate Chopin credit:
We also looked at feminist authors like Virginia Woolf, Audre Lorde, Mary Wollstonecraft, and Kate Chopin all pictured below.
Photo of Virginia Woolf credit: George C. Beresford/Hulton Archive/Getty Images
Photo of Audre Lorde credit: Robert Alexander/Getty Images
Photo of Mary Wollstonecraft credit: DeAgostini/Getty Images
Now, About That... Season 1 Episode 37 "Women's Suffrage movement fighters, Chicana Movement, and women-owned businesses"
In this episode of Now, About That... w/ James & Sarah, we discuss a few women behind the women's suffrage movement, the Chicana movement, and explore a few women-owned businesses that are not only great options but also include a purpose behind the product.
In 1960 the Chicana movement was where a group of women began to organize to fight the conditions facing women within the Chicano communities including unequal access to education, discrimination in housing, underemployment, police brutality, and lack of political power.
One of the women we discussed in the article included Helen Chavez who fought for the rights of migrant workers and taught literacy classes for migrant workers while helping them with US citizenship.
Photo of Helen Chavez, photo credit from "Helen Chávez the Heroine of Speaking Up" article written by Anna Martrinez for Latinitas Magazine
Tushy Advertisement from CNN Underscored article "26 women-owned businesses for all of your everyday essentials" written by Kiana Murden
Let's face it, women run the world with companies like Tushy, Founded by Miki Agrawal in 2015, who make bidet attachments for your toilet that not only make you feel all fresh and clean but can leave you feeling better knowing that a portion of their proceeds goes to building public toilets in India. Another amazing company is Jungalow which started out as a design blog by Justina Blakeney and became a lifestyle brand with "jungalicious design goods and inspiration", credit to About Us section on Jungalow website. Not only do they have beautiful designs, they also plat two trees for every purchase.
Face Bookend Vase by Justina Blakeney™, click this link to shop these beautiful pieces and much more!
We also discuss Dolores Huerta who was most known for Chicanx activism and fighting for the rights of migrant farm workers and co-founder of the National Farm Workers Association which later became known as the United Farm Workers' Union.
Photo credit from "15 Things to Know About Legendary Chicana Activist Dolores Huerta" published to Hip Latina and written by V. Alexandra de F. Szoenyl.
Photo of Susan B. Anthony, photo credit from National Women's History Museum biology on Susan B. Anthony.
When exploring the Women's suffrage movement, we talked a little about Susan B. Anthony and other information from the article "Women who Fought for the Right to Vote" published by the History Channel.
Photo credit from Jungalow website "About Us" section.
Photo of Marilyn Monroe from
Photo of Mercury Stardust from Instagram
One very recent influence in both James and Sarah's lives would have to be the enigmatic and amazing Mercury Stardust. Better known as the "Trans Handy Ma'am", Mercury spends her time helping people understand how to fix household issues and performing other handy solutions that are meant to make their lives better. Her main focus is to help enable people to do things in their homes when they do not feel comfortable allowing maintenance or others into the space they live while also being very active in the trans activism community. Please visit her website and show her some love.
In the episode this week, we discuss the women that inspire and influence the people that we have become in our lives. Initially, Sarah talks about how Marilyn Monroe and how misunderstood and pigeonholed into the emptied headed-sex bomb she was smeared to be when, in reality, she was highly intelligent, reading many books and writing poetry throughout her life. Also included as one of Sarah's life was Anne Franck, the well-known author of the diary depicting her time stowed away in the attic of a business hiding from the Nazis hunting down Jewish people in Germany.
Photo of Anne Frank from Time Magazine
Photo of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from Instagram
AOC has been a major political influence in both of our lives, working on the issues that are really important to us while being attacked by the radical right. The way she is able to continue with her fighting spirit and take down the crazy and combative conservative legislators while maintaining her grace, charm, and keeping her cool inspires us both.
Photo of Mamrie Hart and Grace Helbig in there This Might Get Weird Merch. Mamrie and Grace are two of the most interesting women. Their wit, intelligence, and comedy have really had a massive impact on our lives and we enjoy the hilarity that ensues on their weekly podcast.
The amazing women highlighted above were not the only women included in our discussion this week, we also included some people from our personal lives that helped craft the people that we have become. Whether it be family, co-workers, or close friends, we would like to send out a very appreciative thank you to all of the influential women in our lives. Make sure you thank an important woman in your life and show them how much you appreciate them this Women's History Month!!
Included in this week's episode of "Now, About That... w/ James & Sarah" we take a look at inshrining women that led the charge in the world of medicine. "13 Trailblazing Women Who Redefined Medicine" written by Dr. Genevieve Carlton, Ph. D (pictured below) for Best Colleges was one of the articles we reviewed and includes women like Mary Edwards Walker who were influential in developing life-saving operations and medicines that are still used today.
Also included in this week's discussion was some information related to mental health. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health, showing them support in whatever way they accept is the best way to help them cope with whatever they are going through. While there is no cure for mental health issues, there are ways to help get back to a sense of normality. The following links are articles that were included in the podcast and can potentially help save someone's life if implemented correctly.
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